
From Book Owners Online

The property subject is used to flag the intellectual content of a book or books, using a standardised set of classifications.

Subjects are described in early books using variant terminology. The following descriptors are defined as the standardised forms used to tag subjects as Properties, when they occur:

  • Art (this includes painting, drawing, perspective)
  • Agriculture
  • Alchemy
  • Architecture
  • Astrology
  • Astronomy
  • Biography
  • Botany
  • Cartography (this includes maps)
  • Classics
  • Economics (this includes trade and business)
  • Gardening (this includes horticulture and husbandry)
  • Geography (this includes travel)
  • Grammar
  • Heraldry (this includes genealogy)
  • History (this includes chronology)
  • Law
  • Lexicography (this includes dictionaries)
  • Literature (this includes poetry, drama, romances)
  • Logic
  • Magic (this includes necromancy)
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine (this includes anatomy, surgery)
  • Military affairs (this includes fortification, warfare manuals)
  • Music
  • Natural history
  • Numismatics
  • Orientalism
  • Philology
  • Philosophy
  • Politics (this includes current affairs)
  • Rhetoric
  • Science
  • Theology (this includes patristics, exegesis, devotional works, doctrinal and controversial theology)
  • Veterinary practices
Showing 500 pages using this property.
art  +, theology  +, geography  +,
Literature  +, medicine  +
theology  +, history  +, geography  +,
theology  +, law  +, classics  +
theology  +, science  +, astronomy  +,
history  +, geography  +, theology  +,
history  +, geography  +, medicine  +,
theology  +, history  +, philology  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, grammar  +,
cartography  +, music  +, theology  +,
theology  +, geography  +, medicine  +,
law  +, theology  +, science  +,
medicine  +, theology  +, history  +,
poetry  +, history  +, novels  +,
grammar  +, logic  +, rhetoric  +
geography  +, grammar  +, rhetoric  +,
theology  +, history  +, law  +,
theology  +, history  +, law  +
history  +, theology  +, law  +,
theology  +, literature  +, lexicography  +,
theology  +, classics  +, medicine  +
theology  +, grammar  +, medicine  +,
classics  +, art  +, architecture  +,
theology  +, law  +, history  +,
theology  +, history  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +,
theology  +, medicine  +, philology  +,
music  +, law  +, theology  +
history  +, law  +, politics  +,
numismatics  +
theology  +, history  +, geography  +,
law  +, theology  +, history  +
Law  +, law  +
theology  +, literature  +, medicine  +,
theology  +, history  +, philology  +,
rhetoric  +, philosophy  +, theology  +,
history  +, theology  +, medicine  +,
orientalism  +, classics  +, theology  +,
theology  +, Law  +, Mathematics  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
cartography  +
theology  +, law  +, classics  +,
medical  +, botanical  +
novels  +, travel  +, classics  +,
classics  +, history  +, orientalism  +,
history  +, theology  +, geography  +,
theology  +, medicine  +
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
theology  +
history  +, law  +
astrology  +, mathematics  +
literature  +, botany  +, theology  +,
theology  +, medicine  +, classics  +
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +,
theology  +, medicine  +, astronomy  +,
theology  +, mathematics  +, grammar  +,
literature  +, theology  +
theology  +
architecture  +
theology  +, history  +
theology  +, literature  +, music  +
law  +, theology  +, history  +
law  +, theology  +, history  +
law  +, theology  +, history  +,
theology  +, morality  +, history  +,
law  +, history  +
cartography  +
classics  +, history  +, philology  +,
law  +, lexicography  +, theology  +,
theology  +, classics  +
theology  +, history  +, philology  +
theology  +, history  +, mathematics  +,
theology  +, philology  +
theology  +, philology  +
law  +, politics  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +,
theology  +, history  +, medicine  +,
medicine  +, history  +, literature  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, history  +,
law  +, theology  +, politics  +,
literature  +, magic  +, music  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +,
history  +, geography  +, classics  +,
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
theology  +, history  +, law  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +
theology  +, history  +, philology  +,
theology  +, literature  +, history  +,
cartography  +
Scientific  +, politics  +, poetry  +,
medicine  +, mathematics  +
literature  +, theology  +, history  +,
theology  +, law  +
theology  +, philology  +, Heraldry  +,
biblical  +, law  +, historical  +
history  +, theology  +, law  +,
law  +, theology  +, history  +
horticulture  +, drama  +, economics  +,
theology  +, classics  +
history  +, law  +, theology  +,
theological  +, Scotland  +
medicine  +, history  +, law  +,
theology  +, law  +
military affairs  +, history  +
history  +, law  +, geography  +,
law  +, history  +, gardening  +,
theology  +, geography  +, history  +
history  +, travel  +
law  +, theology  +, orientalism  +,
orientalism  +
theology  +, medicine  +
biographies  +, political  +, historical  +,
theology  +, history  +, philology  +
history  +, science  +
theology  +, medicine  +
theology  +, classics  +
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
law  +, theology  +
history  +, literature  +, architecture  +,
architecture  +, history  +, literature  +
medicine  +, science  +
classics  +, theology  +, medicine  +,
theology  +, lexicography  +, grammar  +,
theology  +, classics  +, medicine  +,
history  +, biography  +, geography  +,
theology  +, geography  +, history  +,
theology  +, history  +, politics  +,
law  +, theology  +, history  +
grammar  +, rhetoric  +, history  +,
theology  +, classics  +, history  +
classics  +, theology  +, law  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, grammar  +,
law  +, history  +, philology  +,
history  +, ecclesiastical history  +, politics  +,
law  +, theology  +, history  +
philosophy  +
theology  +, history  +, philosophy  +,
political ethics  +, politics and government  +, biography  +,
theology  +, law  +, politics and government  +
the conduct of war  +, reformation history  +, aesthetics  +,
architecture  +, art  +, literature  +,
theology  +, medicine  +, history  +,
theology  +, literature  +, history  +
classics  +, medicine  +
literature  +, theology  +, history  +
mathematics  +, astronomy  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, law  +,
theology  +, history  +, geography  +,
law  +, theology  +, classics  +,
law  +, history  +
classics  +, history  +
medicine  +, mathematics  +
numismatics  +, architecture  +
theology  +, classics  +, grammar  +,
mathematics  +, classics  +
theology  +, classics  +
theology  +, classics  +, mathematics  +
theology  +, history  +, geography  +,
chemistry  +, medicine  +, medical  +
heraldry  +, history  +
bibliography  +, Roman law  +, classics  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
theology  +, history  +, politics  +,
law  +, literature  +, theology  +
theology  +, lexicography  +
law  +, theology  +
theology  +, classics  +, philology  +,
medicine  +, theology  +, history  +
theology  +, grammar  +
theology  +, history  +, heraldry  +,
theology  +, politics  +, history  +,
cartography  +, classics  +, grammar  +,
medicine  +, science  +, theology  +,
theology  +, philology  +, Medicine  +,
theology  +, philology  +, Medicine  +,
theology  +, classics  +, history  +,
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
law  +, Scottish history  +, classics  +,
mathematics  +, theology  +
theology  +
medicine  +, history  +, philology  +
theology  +, classics  +, history  +,
literature  +, law  +, Classics  +
mathematical  +, astronomy  +
theology  +, politics  +, history  +
architecture  +
literature  +, history  +
theology  +, history  +, literature  +,
theology  +, classics  +, medicine  +
theology  +, history  +, classics  +,
law  +, theology  +, classics  +
theology  +, literature  +, history  +
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
law  +, history  +, classics  +,
theology  +, geography  +, medicine  +
theology  +, history  +
law  +, history  +, theology  +,
history  +, mathematics  +, science  +,
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +,
theology  +, history  +, philosophy  +,
theology  +, classics  +, law  +
mathematics  +, physics  +, law  +
prints  +, pictures  +, encyclopedias  +,
law  +, history  +, geography  +,
classics  +, literature  +, history  +
gardening  +, theology  +, history  +,
law  +, history  +, medicine  +,
mathematics  +, geography  +, theology  +,
law  +, theology  +, history  +
philosophy  +, theology  +
history  +, geography  +, art  +
classics  +, theology  +, geography  +,
law  +, plays  +, poems  +,
theology  +, scripture  +, classics  +,
theology  +, history  +, philology  +,
theology  +
theology  +, history  +, law  +,
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
history  +, politics  +, architecture  +,
history  +, gardening  +, literature  +,
theology  +, literature  +
science  +, medicine  +, astrology  +
law  +, history  +, geography  +,
orientalism  +
theology  +, history  +, law  +,
theology  +, music  +, grammar  +,
tracts  +, pamphlets  +, religion  +,
geography  +, cartography  +, theology  +,
theology  +, literature  +, lexicography  +,
classics  +, literature  +, theology  +,
theology  +
theology  +, grammar  +, medicine  +
theology  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
law  +, theology  +, philology  +
history  +, literature  +
theology  +, grammar  +, classics  +,
theology  +, history  +, literature  +,
biblical commentaries  +, heresy  +, Catholic reformers  +
heraldry  +, geography  +
cartography  +
mathematics  +, classics  +, philosophy  +,
theology  +, classics  +, medicine  +
scientific  +, philosophy  +
cartography  +, history  +
theology  +, classics  +, literature  +
medicine  +, theology  +, history  +
theology  +, cartography  +, history  +
philology  +, history  +, geography  +,
theology  +, literature  +, history  +
theology  +, history  +, geography  +,
literature  +, law  +, history  +,
divinity  +, Biblical Commentaries  +, natural history  +
theology  +, law  +, politics  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +,
theology  +, history  +, literature  +,
theology  +, medicine  +, history  +,
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
law  +, religious  +
travel  +, historical geography  +
theology  +, classics  +, history  +,
literature  +
theology  +, history  +
science  +, mathematics  +, astronomy  +,
theology  +, classics  +, history  +,
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +
rhetoric  +, science  +, mathematics  +,
medicine  +, science  +, law  +,
theology  +, medicine  +
heraldry  +, history  +, architecture  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
history  +, architecture  +, gardening  +,
theology  +, history  +, law  +,
law  +, history  +, lexicography  +
history  +, architecture  +, gardening  +,
thology  +, medicine  +, botany  +,
thology  +, medicine  +, botany  +,
thology  +, medicine  +, botany  +,
thology  +, medicine  +, botany  +,
theology  +, classics  +, history  +,
law  +, classics  +, theology  +
law  +, theology  +
law  +, history  +, geography  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, law  +,
law  +, history  +, gardening  +,
theology  +, history  +, philosophy  +,
theology  +, history  +, philosophy  +,
history  +, theology  +, law  +,
theology  +, law  +, classics  +,
theology  +, classics  +, medicine  +,
theology  +, history  +, politics  +,
numismatics  +, law  +, history  +
orientalism  +, law  +
medicine  +, philosophy  +, philology  +
theology  +, history  +, philology  +
theology  +, history  +, philosophy  +,
theology  +, history  +
theology  +, classics  +, history  +,
theology  +
geography  +, law  +, gardening  +,
theology  +
music  +, history  +, geography  +,
lexicography  +
theology  +, history  +
music  +, lexicography  +, law  +
history  +, heraldry  +, literature  +,
medicine  +, mathematics  +
Presbyterian  +, Calvinist  +, counterreformation  +
law  +, classics  +, history  +,
theology  +, law  +, geography  +,
philology  +, philosophy  +, medicine  +
orientalism  +, law  +, theology  +
theology  +, history  +, poetry  +
theology  +, grammar  +, philosophy  +,
science  +, medicine  +, philosophy  +,
history  +, architecture  +, law  +,
theology  +, literature  +, gardening  +,
theology  +, literature  +
theology  +, geography  +, history  +,
history  +, theology  +, literature  +
theology  +, politics  +, science  +,
law  +, theology  +, classics  +,
law  +, theology  +
history  +, theology  +
law  +, rhetoric  +, literature  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
theology  +, medicine  +
classics  +, literature  +
mathematics  +
grammar  +, rhetoric  +, theology  +,
history  +, architecture  +, law  +,
theology  +, classics  +, lexicography  +,
history  +, cartography  +, medicine  +,
cartography  +
classics  +, theology  +, history  +,
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +
theology  +, classics  +, philosophy  +,
law  +, history  +, geography  +,
history  +, classics  +, law  +,
theology  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, mathematics  +,
law  +, theology  +
history  +, heraldry  +, theology  +
orientalism  +
theology  +, philosophy  +, classics  +,
theology  +, history  +, literature  +,
theology  +, history  +, philosophy  +,
music  +, heraldry  +
history  +, mathematics  +, science  +,
history  +, law  +, religion  +,
theology  +, law  +
theology  +, classics  +
theology  +
astronomy  +, history  +, geography  +,
agriculture  +, alchemy  +, classics  +,
astrology  +, magic  +
medicine  +, natural history  +, botany  +,
theology  +, lexicography  +, grammar  +,
theology  +
theology  +, philology  +, history  +,
medicine  +, philosophy  +, theology  +,
husbandry  +, gardening  +, history  +,
theology  +, classics  +, law  +,