William Howell d.ca.1681?

From Book Owners Online

William HOWELL d.ca.1681?

Biographical Note

Possibly the barrister of Lincoln’s Inn, Master in Chancery c.1673. If so, he is recorded by Foster as having matriculated at St John's College, Oxford in 1654, with no information about graduation.


Howell's library was auctioned in London, 7.11.1681, as part of a joint sale with the books of Ralph Button and Thankful Owen. The catalogue lists 1931 lots, plus 5 vols of pamphlets, but does not distinguish which books came from which source. 1164 lots were in Latin (including 127 medical books and 59 mathematical ones), 60 were in Italian, French or Spanish, and the remaining 707 were in English.


  • Alston, R. C. Inventory of sale catalogues 1676-1800. St Philip, 2010.
  • Catalogus librorum bibliothecis … Radulphi Button, 1681, ESTC R11300.
  • Foster, J. Alumni Oxonienses. London, 1888.