Category:Judges and Lawyers
From Book Owners Online
Judges and Lawyers
This category comprises all entries where the owner of a library has been identified as a judge or practising lawyer.
Pages in category ‘Judges and Lawyers’
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 356 total.
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- Anthony Allen 1685-1754
- David Allister
- Thomas Alured ca.1632/35-1708
- Matthew Amyas 1665/6-1729
- James Anderson 1662-1728
- Robert Andrews 1704/5-1763
- Thomas Andrews d.1585
- George Anton ca.1550-ca.1615?
- Thomas Antrobus d.1611
- Simon Aris fl.1720-1744
- Robert Ashley 1565-1641
- Elias Ashmole 1617-1692
- Sir Samuel Astry ca.1631-1704
- Robert Atkyns 1621-1710
- Francis Baber 1600-69
- Francis Bacon 1561-1626
- Nathaniel Bacon 1546?-1622
- William Balam 1652/3-1726
- John Bankes 1589-1644
- Charles Bannerman 1719-1747
- Nathaniel Barnardiston 1672-1712
- Maurice Barrow 1597/8-1666
- Alexander Bayn d.1737
- William Bayntun 1717-1785
- Anscel Beaumont 1621-1686
- Jonathan Belcher 1710-1776
- Edward Bellamy 1678/9-1710
- William Bellamy d.1733
- Roger Belwood d.1694
- James Bengough fl. 1702
- John Bennet fl. 1703
- Robert Bertie 1676-1710
- Elisha Biscoe 1705-1776
- James Bonwicke 1660-1730
- Isaac Borrow 1673-1745
- Ralph Bovey d.1679
- Martin Bowes 1670-1726
- Paul Bowes d.1702
- Francis Brace 1691/2-1724
- John Bradshaw 1602-1659
- George Bramston d.1710
- Nathaniel Brent ca.1573-1652
- Robert Breton
- Brook Bridges 1679-1728
- Brook Bridges 1709-1733
- Brook Bridges 1733-1791
- Brook Bridges d.1717
- John Bridgman
- William Brocket 1677-1745
- Thomas Brotherton ca.1656-1702
- Henry Brouncker 1707-1769
- Nathaniel Brown d.1701?
- Richard Brownlow 1553-1638
- William Brownlow 1595-1666
- John Brydall ca.1635-1706?
- Richard Buckby d.1718
- William Burrell 1732-1796
- Philip Burton 1692/3-1727
- Jeffrey Burwell 1606-1684
- Thomas Bury 1652-1722
- Thomas Byng d. 1599
- Julius Caesar 1558-1636
- Anthony Calcott
- John Cale 1722-1777
- Campbell of Succoth
- Edward Cantrell d.1552
- Richard Carew 1555-1620
- William Carmichael of Skirling 1671-1759
- Matthew Carvile d.1719?
- Charles Chalmers d. 1715
- George Chalmers ca.1742-1825
- George Chalmers d. 1758
- John Johnson d.1541
- Edward Chilton 1658-1707
- Godfrey Clarke d.1670
- Edmund Clarke b.1680/1
- Henry Clifton d.1719
- Edward Clive 1704-1771
- Henry Thomas 1779-1854
- Edward Coke 1552-1634
- Richard Colchester 1600-1643
- John Collins d.1682
- Samuel Comyn d.1719?
- John Conant 1654-1723
- Christopher Constantine d.1714
- Alexander Shank Cook 1811-1869
- George Cooke 1675-1740
- John Cooke d.1711
- John Cooke 1666-1710
- Thomas Cory d.1656
- Thomas Coventry d.1711
- Spencer Cowper 1670-1728
- Hew Craufurd 1690-1756
- Paul Ambrose Croke 1561-1631
- Robert Croke 1611/12-1681
- Andrew Crosbie 1735-1785
- Adam Cunningham d.1721?
- Hambleton Custance 1715-1757
- Paul d'Ewes 1567-1631
- David Dalrymple ca.1665-1721
- Hew Dalrymple 1652-1737
- John Dalrymple 1648-1707
- Robert Davie d.1726?
- Ambrose Dickins 1723-1783
- William Dobyns 1646/7-1709
- John Dodderidge 1610-1659
- John Dodderidge 1555-1628
- Draper Donning 1682?-1710
- Robert Dormer 1650-1726
- William Douglas of Glenbervie 1690-1764
- Daniel Dun 1544/5-1617
- William Dunbar ca.1705-1793
- Robert Dundas 1685-1753
- Humphrey Dyson ca.1582-1633
- Anthony Farrington
- John Farrington d.1714
- Heneage Finch 1580-1631
- Heneage Finch 1621-1682
- Alexander Forbes fl.1700
- Duncan Forbes 1685-1747
- William Foulis, 1674-1737
- Sir John Franklin/Francklin d.1707
- William Fraser 1691-1727
- Richard Freeman 1646-1710
- Philip Frith d.1670
- Richard Fuller 1685-1726
- Edward Haistwell 1696-1744
- Matthew Hale 1609-1676
- Joseph Hall 1693-1731?
- Robert Hamby 1710-1774
- Archibald Hamilton
- Archibald Hamilton 1667-ca.1739
- John Hamilton, d. ca. 1710
- William Hamilton ca.1635-1724
- St John Hare
- Gabriel Harvey 1552/3-1631
- James Harvey 1658/9-1728
- John Harwood 1661-1731
- Francis Hayes d.1717
- Edward Heath 1612-1669
- Francis Heath 1622-1683
- Robert Heath 1575-1649
- Charles Hedges 1650-1714
- Andrew Henley 1622-1675
- Robert Henley ca.1624-1692
- John Hill d.1723?
- Benjamin Hinde
- John Holt 1642-1710
- Rowland Holt 1652-1719
- John Hooke 1655-1712
- John Hopkinson 1610-1680
- John Horn ca.1700
- Ralph Hough 1649/50-1699
- William Howell
- John Hoyle d.1692
- Andrew Hume 1676-1730
- Patrick Hume 1641-1724
- John Hungerford ca.1658-1729
- Richard Hutton d.1723
- Edward Hyde 1609-1674