
From Book Owners Online

BOO entries often include references to spouses, parents, children and other relatives, as part of the biographical detail, as recipients or givers of books or other property, as influencers, etc. Whenever someone who is thus a relation (rather than a friend or other associate) is included in an entry, they are flagged with the property family.

Showing 100 pages using this property.
Francis Allen  +
William Allen  +
Richard Allestree  +
Edward Alleyn  +, Margaret Townley  +, Joan Alleyn  +,
Pierre Allix  +, Peter Allix  +
Robert Allott  +
John Alsop  +, Josiah Alsop  +, Samuel Alsop  +
George Alsop  +
Thomas Alston  +
Thomas Alston  +
Vincent Amcotts (1625-1686)  +, Vincent Amcotts (1683-1733)  +, Elizabeth Quincey  +,
Nicholas Amherst  +
Richard Amherst  +, Dorothy Amherst  +, William Amherst  +,
John Amyas  +, John Amyas 1698-1737  +
Edmund Anderson (1605-1661)  +, Mary, daughter of Thomas Wood of Auldfield (Yorks)  +, Sir Edmund Anderson (1687-1765)  +
Patrick Anderson  +
Thomas Andrewes  +
Robert Andrews  +, Susannah Andrews  +
Richard Andrews  +, Thomas Walley Partington  +, Robert Andrews  +
Thomas Andrews  +
William Anesley  +
William Annand  +, Margaret Lindsay  +, Helen Lundie  +
Francis Annesley  +
John Annesley  +
William Anstey  +, Charistopher Anstey 1724-1805  +
Margaret Carmichael  +
Thomas Antrobus d.1611  +, Robert Antrobus  +
Thomas Antrobus  +, Robert Antrobus  +, Elizabeth  +
Andrew Arbuthnot  +, Elizabeth Strachan  +, Sir Robert Arbuthnot of Arbuthnot  +
Alexander Arbuthnot  +
Robert Arbuthnott  +, John Arbuthnott  +
Andrew Archer  +, Thomas Archer  +
Lawrence Arthur  +
Anthony Ashley  +
Simon Ashmole  +
John Ashton  +
Ralph Ashton  +, Anne, da. of Sir Ralph Assheton  +, Mary Vavasour (d. 11 Nov. 1694)  +,
Henry Ashurst  +
Robert Ashwell  +
Bartholomew Ashwood  +
Martha Asselin  +
Edmund Assheton  +
Ralph Assheton  +
Peter Astell  +, Mary Astell  +, Ralph Astell  +
Daniel Astle  +, Philip Morant  +, Philip Hills  +
Jacob Astley  +, Jacon Henry Astley  +
Elizabeth Morse  +
Sir Edward Atkyns  +, Anne Atkyns  +
Mary Stealy (d. 1714)  +, William Jephson  +, Jane Thomas (d. bef. 1741)  +,
John Aubrey  +, Mary South  +, Margaret Lowther  +,
Richard Aubrey  +, Deborah Aubrey  +
Anthony Aucher  +, Elizabeth Hewytt  +
James Tuchet  +, Eleanor Holland  +
Richard Audley  +
Robert Austen  +, Richard Righton  +
Thomas Austin  +
Matthew Aylmer  +, John Aylmer  +, Henry Aylmer  +
Joseph Ayloffe  +
John Baber  +, Edward Baber  +
Henry Babington  +, Mary Darcy  +, George, Lord Darcy  +
Bernard Babington  +, John Babington  +
Adrian Babington  +, Theophilus Cave  +
Sir Nicholas Bacon  +, Alice Bacon  +
Sir Nicholas Bacon  +, Anne Gresham  +, Roger Townshend  +,
Lionel Bacon  +
William Bagge  +, Ralph Bagge  +
Walter Wagstaffe Bagot  +, William Bagot  +
Adam Bagshaw  +
William Bagshaw  +
James Baikie of Tankerness  +, Janet Douglas  +, Monteiths of Egilshay  +,
Robert Baillie  +
Christopher Bainbrigg  +
James Baird  +, Katherine Hay  +
John Baker  +, Catherine Baker  +, Reginald Scott  +,
George Baker  +
William Balam  +
Charles Bale  +
Michael Balfour of Denmiln  +, Jane or Joanna Durham  +, Andrew Balfour  +
James Balfour  +
Henry Balguy  +
Richard Ballard  +
Alexander Balneaves  +, Margaret Hamilton  +, James Balneaves  +
Christopher Bancroft  +, Richard Bancroft  +, John Bancroft  +
John Bancroft  +, Hugh Curwen  +
the Bankes family  +, Ralph Bankes 1631?-1677  +
the Bankes family  +, Ralph Bankes  +
the Bankes family  +, John Bankes  +
Patrick Bannerman  +
John Banson  +
Robert Bargrave  +
Ambrose Barker  +
John Barker  +, Elizabeth Barker  +, Samuel Barker  +
Lawrence Barkham  +, George Barkham  +
John Barkdsale  +
Sara Hobart  +, Katherine Bust  +
Richard Barlow  +