
From Book Owners Online

BOO entries often include references to spouses, parents, children and other relatives, as part of the biographical detail, as recipients or givers of books or other property, as influencers, etc. Whenever someone who is thus a relation (rather than a friend or other associate) is included in an entry, they are flagged with the property family.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Edward Brown  +
Thomas Browne  +, Temperance Browne  +, Elizabeth Browne  +
Christopher Browne  +, Mary Evelyn  +
Thomas Browne  +, Dorothy Browne  +, Thomas Browne d.1710  +
Edward Browne  +
Thomas Browne  +, Sir Thomas  +, Timothy Eversfield  +
Jeremiah Browning  +
Richard Sherard  +
Richard Mason  +, John Brownlow 1659-1697  +
Richard Brownlow (1553-1638)  +
Richard Brownlow  +, John Brownlow 1594-1679  +
John Brownlow  +
William Brownlow  +, John Brownlow 1594-1679  +
Richard Brownlow  +, John Brownlow 1659-1697  +, Dorothy Brownlow  +
Richard Brownlow 1553-1638  +
Thomas Bruce  +
Thomas Bruce  +
William Bruce  +
Francis Brudenell  +, Robert Brudenell  +
Robert Brudenell  +, Thomas Brudenell  +