John Harwood 1661-1731

From Book Owners Online

John HARWOOD 1661-1731

Biographical Note

Son of John Harwood of Hagbourne, Berkshire. After matriculating at Christ Church, Oxford in 1679 he moved to Queens' College, Cambridge where he graduated LL.B in 1684, LL.D 1688. He spent time in Paris before becoming an advocate at Doctors' Commons in 1689; he subsequently became commissary of St Paul's Cathedral. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1688 (where he was frequently a Council member thereafter), and a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1717.


Harwood's will has no mention of books, which would have been divided, as part of the residue of his estate, between his three sons. His library was sold by retail sale in London, beginning 24 May 1731.
