
From Book Owners Online

Corporate bodies and institutions of all kinds with which individuals in the database have involvement - as places of employment, as bodies they have belonged to or interacted with - are flagged with the property organisations. (Note however that colleges and universities at which people have matriculated or graduated are flagged with the property Education).

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Royal Society  +, Bibliothèque Nationale  +, Bodleian Library  +
All Souls College, Oxford  +, Gray’s Inn  +
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge  +, Clare College, Cambridge  +, York Minster  +
Barclay & Skirving's Sale Room  +, Foulis  +, Maitland Club  +,
Bank of England  +
Christ’s Hospital  +
St Bartholomew's Hospital, London  +, Royal Society  +
Lincoln's Inn  +, Christ's College, Cambridge  +, East India Company  +
Honourable Artillery Company  +
Middle Temple  +, Court of King's Bench  +, Society of Antiquaries  +,
York Minster  +, Tower of London  +, Bodleian Library  +
University of Oxford  +
Lincoln's Inn  +, St Paul's Cathedral  +
Inner Temple  +
Lincoln's Inn  +, Court of Common Pleas  +
Privy Council  +, Treasury  +
Faculty of Advocates  +
Edinburgh University  +
Society for Improving Arts and Sciences  +, Royal Society  +, Lord Clerk Register  +