
From Book Owners Online

BOO entries often include references to spouses, parents, children and other relatives, as part of the biographical detail, as recipients or givers of books or other property, as influencers, etc. Whenever someone who is thus a relation (rather than a friend or other associate) is included in an entry, they are flagged with the property family.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
John Simcox  +, Martha Simcox  +
Francis Simpson  +, Elizabeth Simpson  +
Oliver Sinclair  +, Isabella Livingstone  +, William Sinclair  +
Oliver Sinclair  +, Isabella Livingstone  +
Sinclair family  +
Robert Sinclair  +, John Sinclair  +
James Skene  +, Janet Lumsden  +, Robert Lumsden of Cushnie  +,
Robert Skingle  +
Robert Skinner  +
Robert Skinner  +
Thomas Welch  +
Humberston Skipwith  +, Elizabeth Skipwith  +, Fulwar Skipwith, 1st bart.  +,
Daniel Winch  +, Edmund Sleigh  +, John Ireton  +
Alexander Sloane  +, Elizabeth Langley  +
James Smallwood  +
Jasper Smith  +
John Smith  +
Roger Smith  +
Richard Smith  +, Elizabeth Smith  +, George Deane  +
George Smith  +