File list
From Book Owners Online
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
03:42, 30 August 2023 | Charles Rose.jpg (file) | 224 KB | Inscription of Bishop Charles Rose (Dundee Br U 281.1) | 1 | |
00:50, 30 August 2023 | James Robertson.jpg (file) | 356 KB | James Robertson, minister of Dundee, Dundee Central Library | 1 | |
03:01, 28 August 2023 | Patrick Drummond.jpg (file) | 367 KB | Inscription of Patrick Drummond (NLS RB.s.1238) | 1 | |
02:01, 19 August 2023 | Drummond duke.jpg (file) | 103 KB | Armorial James Drummond, 1st Duke of Perth | 1 | |
02:45, 9 August 2023 | R.H.S.94 James Balfour.jpg (file) | 364 KB | Inscription of James Balfour d.1657 (NLS R.H.S.94) | 1 | |
04:40, 8 August 2023 | Bothwellarmorial.jpg (file) | 102 KB | 1 | ||
04:37, 8 August 2023 | Adam Bothwell.jpg (file) | 352 KB | Inscription of Bishop Adam Bothwell from NLS RB.l.18 | 1 | |
03:14, 1 August 2023 | Williamforbestolquohon.jpg (file) | 468 KB | Inscription of William Forbes of Tolquhon (NLS Hall.295.f.21) | 1 | |
02:15, 4 July 2023 | Patrick Lyon.jpg (file) | 390 KB | Patrick Lyon, Master of Dundee Grammar School | 1 | |
01:57, 4 July 2023 | George Bruce.jpg (file) | 200 KB | Inscription of George Bruce, Master of Dundee Grammar School | 1 | |
00:46, 25 June 2023 | Nicolson Stamp 1.jpg (file) | 4.44 MB | 2 | ||
00:44, 25 June 2023 | ThomasNicolson2.jpg (file) | 465 KB | Inscription of Thomas Nicolson | 1 | |
00:43, 25 June 2023 | Thomasnicolson.jpg (file) | 565 KB | Book label of Thomas Nicolson | 1 | |
02:21, 8 June 2023 | Annandinscription.jpg (file) | 274 KB | Inscription James Annand (NLS SBA.Add.1) | 1 | |
00:40, 23 May 2023 | JamesDouglas.jpg (file) | 835 KB | Jacobus Douglassius Wittingamus on Edinburgh CRC Dd.3.44 | 1 | |
05:33, 4 May 2023 | Thomasmacgibbon.jpg (file) | 1.79 MB | Thomas MacGibbon, Dundee Central Library | 1 | |
05:56, 27 April 2023 | Lumsden3.jpg (file) | 262 KB | Inscription of Charles Lumsden Junior (NLS Gray.963)]] | 1 | |
09:44, 21 April 2023 | Lumsden1.jpg (file) | 246 KB | Inscription of Charles Lumsden (NLS Milc.3.10) | 1 | |
09:39, 21 April 2023 | Lumsden2.jpg (file) | 397 KB | Inscription of Charles Lumsden (NLS GG.7/1.10 | 1 | |
03:26, 16 April 2023 | Johncraig.jpg (file) | 189 KB | John Craig (d.1620) (StEdU : Dd.3.44) | 1 | |
01:38, 4 April 2023 | Thomas Sydserf.jpg (file) | 307 KB | Inscription of Thomas Sydserff (1581-1663) from NLS RB.l.18 | 1 | |
03:04, 16 February 2023 | Craufurd, Thomas.jpg (file) | 4.68 MB | George Craufurd's bookplate, used by his son Thomas. NLS Henderson Smith Collection, J.H.S.1(89.4) | 1 | |
03:43, 7 February 2023 | Johnalexander.jpg (file) | 2.07 MB | Bookplate of the Rev. John Alexander 1694-1777. (NLS J.H.S.1) | 1 | |
02:01, 3 February 2023 | Mcampbell.jpg (file) | 189 KB | Margaret Campbell, Lady Polwarth. Folger 252- 722q | 1 | |
02:43, 30 January 2023 | Howieson binding.jpg (file) | 1.82 MB | "MIL" binding stamp of John Howieson, University of Glasgow, Sp Coll Bl5-k.21 | 1 | |
03:34, 22 December 2022 | Hew Blair .jpg (file) | 460 KB | Hew Blair inscription from NLS Gray.1144 | 1 | |
02:13, 8 December 2022 | Campbell Inscription.jpg (file) | 665 KB | Example of Archibald Campbell’s handwriting, identified by Bishop Jolly in NLS Jolly.763, Essay on the Nature of the Church (1728) | 1 | |
02:12, 8 December 2022 | ArchibaldCampbell.jpg (file) | 1.14 MB | Bookplate of Bishop Archibald Campbell | 1 | |
03:07, 29 November 2022 | Robert Norie.jpg (file) | 588 KB | Inscription of Robert Norrie (1647-1727) from Gillespie's A Dispute Against the English-Popish ceremonies (London, 1637), held by Dundee Central Library. | 1 | |
06:13, 24 November 2022 | William Hay Inscription.jpg (file) | 657 KB | 1 | ||
05:49, 24 November 2022 | William Skene Inscription.jpg (file) | 386 KB | Inscription of William Skene from NLS A.76.f.11 | 1 | |
04:33, 22 November 2022 | Alexander Barclay.jpg (file) | 412 KB | Inscription of Dominican Alexander Barclay from NLS Jolly.1033 | 1 | |
04:09, 29 September 2022 | Robertbannerman.jpg (file) | 483 KB | Inscription of Robert Bannerman from Montrose Public Museum Incunabula DBM 4257 | 1 | |
05:11, 27 September 2022 | William Guild1.jpg (file) | 95 KB | Inscription of William Guild from Edinburgh University RB.F.185 | 1 | |
02:00, 27 September 2022 | Inscription of William Struthers.jpg (file) | 1.33 MB | Personal Inscription of William Struthers, including the inscription of his bequest to Edinburgh University. | 1 | |
02:14, 5 September 2022 | Clement Litill Stamp.jpg (file) | 950 KB | 19th century binding stamp of Clement Litill | 1 | |
02:10, 5 September 2022 | Clement Little 1580 stamp.jpg (file) | 850 KB | Stamp of Clement Little | 1 | |
01:49, 5 September 2022 | Schevez Diamond.jpg (file) | 1.02 MB | Bishop William Schevez signature | 1 | |
01:48, 5 September 2022 | Schevez Inscription.jpg (file) | 545 KB | Inscription of William Schevez from EUL Dd.1.22/1 | 1 | |
01:33, 5 September 2022 | William Gordon Stamp.jpg (file) | 23 KB | Armorial stamp of Bishop William Gordon | 1 | |
06:27, 15 August 2022 | Jamesstewartmoray.jpg (file) | 76 KB | Armorial Stamp of James Stewart, Earl of Moray (British Armorial Bindings) | 1 | |
06:31, 10 August 2022 | Sinclair, Henry, Bishop of Ross (1508 - 1565) (Stamp 1).jpg (file) | 23 KB | One of the Armorial bookstamps of Henry Sinclair, Bishop of Ross (1508 - 1565). | 1 |