Category:All Owners
From Book Owners Online
This Category is added to the page of each book owner, to enable the display of one alphabetical list of all entries in the database.
Pages in category ‘All Owners’
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,967 total.
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- Charles Barlow fl.1733
- Thomas Barlow 1608/9-1691
- William Barlow d.1613
- Ann Barnardiston 1624-1701
- Nathaniel Barnardiston 1672-1712
- Samuel Barnardiston 1620-1707
- Thomas Barnardiston 1674-1700
- John Barneby 1621-1701
- Joshua Barnes 1654-1712
- Nicholas Barnewall 1668-1725
- Charles Barnwell 1679-1750
- Charles Barnwell 1705-1774
- John Baron ca.1670-1722
- Thomas Barrett 1698-1757
- Thomas Barrington ca.1585-1644
- Isaac Barrow 1630-1677
- Maurice Barrow 1597/8-1666
- William Barrowby 1682-1758
- Vincent Barry 1660/1-1708
- Leonard Bartholomew 1656/7-1720
- Walter Bartlett 1585-1641
- Nathaniel Barton 1616/7-1673
- Philip Barton 1694/5-1765
- Walter Barttelot 1723-1764
- Stephen Barwyck d.1547
- Isaac Basire 1608-1676
- William Basset 1644-1696
- Edward Bassett fl.1678
- Paul Batcheller 1676/7-1773
- Charles Batchleor fl.1700
- John Bateman d.1559
- William Bateman 1695?-1744
- William Bates 1625-1699
- Christopher Bathurst
- Ralph Bathurst 1620-1704
- William Battbrantes d.1572
- John Batteley 1646-1708
- Thomas Baulgy d.1697?
- Anthony Bave 1700/01-1738
- John Baxter ca.1737-1798
- Richard Baxter 1615-1691
- Stephen Baxter 1620/1-1682
- Robert Bayles d.1624
- Thomas Bayley d.1706
- Richard Baylie 1585/6-1667
- Thomas Bayly fl. 1707
- Alexander Bayn d.1737
- Edward Baynard ca.1641-1717
- Benjamin Baynes d.1722?
- Anne Bayning 1619-1678
- William Bayntun 1717-1785
- Paul Beach
- Thomas Beale d.1805
- Richard Arundel Bealing d.1725?
- Roger Beare d.1637
- James Beauclerk 1709-1787
- Anscel Beaumont 1621-1686
- Edward Beaumont 1530-1552
- George Beaumont ca.1664-1737
- Henry Beaumont 1717-1743
- Henry Beaumont d.1627
- John Beaumont d.1565
- Robert Beaumont d.1567
- Thomas Beconsall 1663/4-1709
- John Beddow d.1577
- Henry Bedingfeld 1587-1657
- Martin Bedwell d.1730
- William Bedwell ca.1563-1632
- Rowland Belasyse ca.1668-1746
- Thomas Belasyse 1698-1774
- Jonathan Belcher 1710-1776
- Beaupre Bell 1704-1741
- John Bell d.1732
- Richard Bell 1615/6-1686
- Thomas Bell d.1723
- Daniel Bellamy 1717-1788
- Edward Bellamy 1678/9-1710
- William Bellamy d.1733
- John Belward d.1598
- Roger Belwood d.1694
- Thomas Bendish 1607-1674
- Henry Bendyshe d.1717
- Gilbert Benet 1705-1783
- James Bengough fl. 1702
- Bridget Bennet 1650-1703
- Charles Bennet 1674-1722
- Henry Bennet 1618-1685
- Henry Bennet d.1732
- John Bennet 1623/4-93
- John Bennet 1657-86
- John Bennet fl. 1703
- Robert Bennet d.1617
- William Bennet d.1729
- Charles Benson d.1593
- James Bentham 1709-1794
- Henry Bentinck ca.1682-1726
- Hans Willem Bentinck 1649-1709
- Hugh Benyngworth d.1551
- Samuel Beresford d.1697
- William Berington b.1704/5
- George Berkeley 1626/7-1698
- Henry Berkeley 1566-1638?
- John Berkeley 1650-1712
- Charles Bernard 1652-1710
- Edward Bernard 1638-1697
- Francis Bernard 1628-1698
- John Bernard d.1554
- Samuel Bernard 1591/2-1657
- Daniel Berry d.1653
- Charles Bertie 1641-1711
- Charles Montague Bertie 1695/6-1744
- James Bertie 1653-1699
- James Bertie 1673-1735
- Robert Bertie 1630-1701
- Robert Bertie 1660-1723
- Robert Bertie 1676-1710
- Archibald Bertram 1713-1768
- Hugh Bethell 1689-1747
- George Bethune fl. 1760-1770
- Thomas Betterton 1635-1710
- George Betts 1719-1766
- John Betts ca.1623-1695
- Stuart Bickerstaffe 1661-1703?
- Michael Biddulph d.1657
- Dr. Bigge
- James Bindley 1739-1818
- John Bingham 1612/3-1689
- John Birch d.1730
- Peter Birch 1651/2-1710
- Thomas Bird d.1601
- John Birkenhead 1617-1679
- John Birnie b. 1674
- Elisha Biscoe 1705-1776
- Philip Bisse 1666-1721
- Philip Bisse ca.1540-1613
- James Blackley d.1730
- Rowland Blackman 1705-1781
- Hew Blair 1633-1690
- Hugh Blair 1718-1800
- John Blair ca.1658-1723
- Patrick Blair ca.1680-1728
- Charles Blake 1664-1730
- John Blakey
- Anthony Blencowe ca.1542-1618
- Matthew Blewett 1652?-1693
- John Bligh 1687-1728
- Charles Blood d.1722?
- Charles Blount 1563-1606
- Charles Blount 1654-1693
- Edward Blount d.1726
- Edward Blount d.1758
- Harry Pope Blount 1702-1757
- Henry Blount 1602-1682
- Katherine Blount 1676-1753
- Mountjoy Blount 1597-1666
- Thomas Pope Blount 1649-1697
- Thomas Bludder ca.1597-1655
- Nicholas Blundell 1669-1737
- William Blundell 1620-1698
- Geoffrey Blythe 1496/7-1542
- John Blythe d.1617
- Thomas Bolt b.1567/8
- James Bonwicke 1660-1730
- John Booker 1602-1667
- Henry Booth 1652-1694
- Mary Booth 1704-1772
- Robert Booth d.1615
- Thomas Boothby 1641-1696
- William Boothby 1637-1707
- John Borlase 1640-1689
- Isaac Borrow 1673-1745
- David Bosanquet 1699-1741
- Richard Bosse d.1678
- William Boswell b.1581/2
- John Bosworth 1722-1785
- Adam Bothwell ca.1529-1593
- Neil Bothwell b. 1696
- Edward Boucher d.1715
- Christopher Boughton 1667-1728
- Thomas Bound d.1586
- Henry Bourchier ca.1587-1654
- John Bourne 1654-1714
- Ralph Bovey d.1679
- Edward Bowerman 1662-1718
- Martin Bowes 1670-1726
- Paul Bowes d.1702
- John Bowle 1725-1788
- John Bowle d.1637
- Walter Bowman 1699-1782
- Samuel Bownas 1677-1753
- Edmund Bowyer d.1719
- John Bowyer 1677?-1701
- Alexander Boyd fl.1619
- James Boyd ca.1530-1581
- Lionel Boyle 1671-1703
- Richard Boyle 1694-1753
- Robert Boyle 1627-1691
- John Boys 1571-1625
- Francis Brace 1691/2-1724
- John Thurloe Brace 1686/7-1737