Archibald Douglas 1653-1712

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Archibald DOUGLAS, 1st Earl of Forfar, 1653-1712

Biographical Note

Born in Lanarkshire, second son of Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus and Ormond. His father died in 1655, but Douglas didn't succeed the title due to the establishment of the Commonwealth, and was instead created Earl of Forfar after the Restoration. He was a Member of Parliament from 1670, was a member of the Privy Council and was appointed as a commissioner for executing the office of keeper of the privy seal. After the accession of Queen Anne, he also became a lord of the Treasury, a position he held until that court's dissolution.


Douglas' library was sold by retail sale in London beginning 15 November 1718, with the Daily Courant describing it as "a collection of many valuable and uncommon books in Divinity, History, Poetry, Philological Learning, Law, Classicks... In Greek, Latin, English, French, Italian &c. of the best Editions".
